Friday, July 5, 2013

1 in 3 Agents Feels Unsafe

In 2011, a survey of 450 real estate agents across the U.S. and Canada was conducted over a period of 3 months.  The results are very interesting on several different fronts.  Rather than dissect the entire study in one long blog entry, I plan to review various aspects and provide insights for consideration and conversation.
The first step of the survey involved establishing a baseline of how real estate agents viewed their personal safety.  Of the 450 agents surveyed, 36% felt unsafe on the job—either occasionally (33.7%) or frequently (2.0%).  That represents 1 out of 3 agents surveyed.
What is equally interesting is that 13% of those surveyed said they never felt unsafe on the job.  Regarding this 13% of agents……do they never feel unsafe because of the work they do / don’t do, the people and neighborhoods around which they work, or because they are completely oblivious to the inherent dangers of their profession? 
If it is the latter, it means that 1 out of 8 agents are completely oblivious to the risks associated with their job.  What else are these people unaware of, oblivious to and unprepared for?
Of the 450 agents surveyed, 44% of women said they felt unsafe on the job, compared to only 17% of men.  This is very interesting and telling.  In analyzing statistics from actual crimes committed against real estate agents, 1 out of 3 were committed against men.  So, although men tend to feel safer, the statistics of crimes committed against agents reveal that men are more vulnerable than they think.
There is much more to discuss regarding this survey, which we will cover in the coming days.
Until then,
Stay Safe!

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